How to become a morning person .

Hey lovelies,

How’s y’all doing? This week at been kinda lazy but am finally back with some amazing content. I used to wake up really late and I hated morning routine but until I was able to find my morning motivation it has never been the same again. For today’s post I will be sharing what I do in the morning to make sure I wake up early enough and get every work done on time.

  • Get your motivation

Find out the one thing that can make you wake up in the morning for me it’s my morning playlist, Kiss 100 breakfast show and my sticky note goals just above my bed.

  • If your all about fashion try pairing some super cool pieces the night before. This idea at times seems way off but knowing that you look good in a certain dress or jeans may just be what you need to wake up, bath and dress up.
  • Have an agenda for the day.

Knowing that you have some incomplete business helps you to work harder to just get out of that bed and try to finish it up.

  • Play a motivational podcast in the morning.

Listening to some motivational speech will wake you and make you go hustle / school . The thing with motivational podcast is that they act as an eye opener and thus drive us to become better humans.

  • Make prayer your first item.

Just saying simple prayer like thank you God for today may just help you wake up and try fulfilling your purpose in life.

Hope my simple tips really helped you and thanks alot for checking out my blog post today. Your beautiful /handsome ,unique and I appreciate you.

Have a good day ahead,

Lots of love,


How to deal with criticisim

Hey lovelies, It’s Tuesday and that means we got a new blog post, hope your having a great day and thanks for viewing my post 😊.Some people are super good at seeing the negative side and quick to judge but some judge positively so here a guide on how to deal Today I will be sharing how to deal with criticism since we all hate being criticised. I learnt this few tips from a meeting I always attend every Tuesday and it has impacted my life .

  • Diffrenciate destructive and constructive criticism. Know who is trying to build up and who is trying to pull you down.
  • Accept that your not perfect thus you will be able to take a little bit of feed back from people.
  • Don’t take it personally, if you take stuff personally you won’t be able to deal with it well you’ll just hold unnecessary grudges.
  • Don’t make excuses when people criticise you just accept if your wrong. – Work on being less sensitive and more strong, develop a thick skin and learn how to develop what you can change.

Thanks for passing by my blog today your amazing, beautiful /handsome and I appreciate you a lot. 💕💕.

Thirstday : Turmeric lemon Water.

Hey lovelies,

Happy New Year y’all I hope you started your year in a high note like I did and I have just been trying new things for the past 3 days and one of this things is this amazing drink. I have been MIA lately since decided to take a holiday break too but now am back and I will be posting some 💣 content every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturdays .

So the benefits of today’s recipe is are alot but I will just highlight a few : –

  • High in anti oxidants
  • High in anti inflammatory properties .
  • Helps reduce development of cancerous cells.






Slice your lemon into two halves, juice one half and then slice the other half in a glass. Add the juice into that half, you can use as many lemons to create the juice as you wish I personally used one whole lemon. Then top up with water until the glass is full the add a pinch of turmeric and stir using a straw and enjoy your drink.

It’s super relaxing and fun.

Thanks for passing by,

Have a lovely day ahead ❤ .

Heal thy self :What is aromatherapy + it’s benefits

Hey lovelies,

How are you my lovely readers, am super excited to write to you today . I know most of y’all have heard about the aromatherapy treatment and maybe even it’s benefits do today I decided to dig a little deeper about it.



Aromatherapy is uses plant material and essential oils for improving physiological and physical well being.


  1. It reduces anxiety.
  2. Eases depression.
  3. Helps cure headache .
  4. Helps speed up healing.
  5. Reduces pain
  6. Increases blood circulation.

Types of aromatherapy

  • Peppermint – for headache and indigestion.
  • Sage, chamomile, lemon and lavender – for relaxation.
  • Respiratory problems – Eucalyptus .
  • Muscle tension relief – peppermint, chamomile and ylang ylan .

How to use

  • Place a few drops of essential oils in your bath tub.
  • Place a few drops on a water spray bottle and spray your house.
  • Buy some legit scented candles.


Some essential oils might be allergic to some people so consult a medical practitioner before you start.

Thanks for passing by,

Have a lovely day ahead.

Christmas gift ideas for family members

Hey lovelies , It’s the season for merryness, happyness and joyful spirits . I am super happy that Christmas is so near and one thing I love about Christmas is gifts in Kenya as I grew up the most common gift is new clothes and shoes , but as time went by I have done discovered more ways to gift and make others happy.

Christmas is just not all about eating, drinking and having a good time one should also think to appreciate those who have been there for them this year.When it comes to gifts I will just give you a Sample of point out to help you get the perfect gift .

Grandmother and Aunty

African grandma loves amazing Ankara print fabric (vitenge) and colourful head scarfs plus and Amazing jewelry. Gifts are something that one should treasure and even remember you when they see them. Aunties love shoes and bags because that makes them look beautiful and fell loved


Your mom is always a special person in everyone’s life and she deserves a special gift. Example amazing day to day utensils like well crafted and personalised cooking sticks, bags, shoes, woolen carpet , home decor stuff and something about her hobby.

Dad and uncle

: This are a really Special group of people and at times hard to please. For them just find their hobby and get a gift from that. Example of gifts wallet, leather jacket ,memory card , personalized mugs and note books, pen e.t.c

Brothers and sisters.

Find out what they love and surprise them with that. Example : trendy shoes, key chain, album , clothes , sunglasses, sports gear and stuff. Here are some places you can find some of the items in Kenya :

Thanks for passing by, Have a lovely day ahead.

Thristday : Gingerande Recipe

Hey lovelies, Hello there my amazing humans, today it’s Thursday and this means we are about to quench our Thrist with the most mouth watering recipe as shared this recipe as incorporated alot of super healthy stuff which will not only benefit your health but your skin too.


  • Lemon
  • Ginger
  • Water
  • Sugar


Cut the lemon and ginger into small pieces according to the amount of gingerade you want to make. Boil until the water has reached its maximum boiling point , remove from the stove and add sugar while it’s hot. Let it cool. Place it in a jar and let it chill in the fridge for about an hour. Serve when the weather is hot you can also choose to add some ice cubes.

Thanks for passing by,

Have a Thrist free day . 🍸.

HEAL THY SELF Wednesday : how to unwind after a stressful day

Hey lovelies,

Stress is a condition of tension and strain to your mental health due to a bad day. Stress causes one to experience a whole lot of bad disease that reduce your life span, when am stressed I at times get stress eating disorders which is not a good thing I once wrote about how to stop that behaviour here . So over the years as I grow older and face more stress I have decided to come up with mechanism on how to deal with my stress in a healthy positive way :

  • Hot showers and sleep

This helps alot and drives your mind away from the stress. Hot showers also help you feel more rejuvenated and thus give you time to try and solve problems in a fresh way. Take a nap to be able and give your body a break from all that is stressing you.

  • Hot cocoa drink

I love hot cocoa and hot chocolate no matter how much heat there is this are my go to drinks when am super stressed.

  • Listening to music

Am generally a lover of hip-hop and R n B but when am stressed I open up the country music folder on my laptop and sing along to those soothing songs. Find music that calms your soul for me it’s country music.

  • Yoga

When one is stressed most likely you also get anxiety attacks , Yoga helps one clear their mind since it needs a whole lot of concentration and thus it occupies your mind. Hope my few steps help you also share your ways to deal with stress on the comment section below.

Thanks for passing by,

Have a lovely day ahead.

Be inspired : by swimwear and beach outfits designer Joan.

Hey lovelies,

It’s the season when we get to wear the most amazing clothes in our wardrobes and packup for the vacation. In Kenya most people love the coast and the beach it’s like everyone’s vacation spot the one thing that stands out this vacation is an amazing swimwear. Recently got to interview the most talented Joan of Joheartyarns and got to know some details about her work and her amazing talent that turns yarn to amazing if not awesome swimwear I have ever seen.

White pineapple top

When did you start designing swimwear and beach clothes?

I started crocheting as a hobby in 2015, more as a pass time activity after my classes, I would design all sort of stuff, from baby clothes, bags, shoes. But then I realized I loved working on swimwear most, hence the focus on swimwear now .

Tassel white bikini

What are your 3 must haves in your work space ?

My crochet hooks, tape measure and a needle. Damn I can’t do without these 3. Essentials!!

 Red bikini

Most people love yarn products any advice on how to take care of yarn swimwear and beach outfits?

Yarn is very sensitive and should be handled with care, it should be washed gently with cool water and air to dry. It should not be ironed or washed with hot water as it tends to loosen up .

Blue crop top

Your greatest breakthroughs in your work life journey ?

Hmm, I treat every moment of my little achievements as breakthrough, just step by step. But I have not had my greatest breakthrough yet .

Challenges in the swimwear designing industry ?

Some clients gives you wrong measurements then you end up making a wrong size hence repeat of work, it’s also labor intensive and needs a lot of dedication.

Pink bikini

Advice to upcoming swimwear designers ?

Understand your client needs, do a quality job , market yourself and people will always look for you. Push harder and have an end game plan, it will always remind you of what you want to achieve, remember success require some internal toughness. Be passionate about your work, it will always keep you going when things are not working out

You can order via dm at .

Thanks for passing by,

Have a lovely day ahead.

October favourites + what am watching this month.

Hey lovelies,

How are you my beautiful people I have had alot of things to be thankful for the past months which is one of the reason am writing to you .Also I have like 3 – 4 movies which are super interesting that I thought sharing with y’all could be super intrested in :


  1. Day : My birthday. I was super happy that day and 3 days later my blog also turned 2 and a huge thanks to all my friends and family for the birthday wishes also to WordPress for the happy wishes on my 2 blogversary . You can read all about that day on this link
  2. Book : wishes on the wind. Am reading this amazing novel and I haven’t finished it yet but all the twist and love in it is really interesting. I will be posting a review pretty soon.
  3. Clothes : high-waisted denim. My favourite jeans this month it’s super stylish and comfortable . I will also be doing a one jeans three style blog post soon.

Movies and series

I love series more than movies because they are more interesting and they entertain you longer but I also got some movies at been watching which are pretty cool too.

  1. Once upon a time. Nature : series. With 7 seasons out this is the most amazing series ever. How the past intertwines with the present and all those fairy tales characters in real life this series is so amazing . Am currently on season 4 can’t wait to see season 7 .
  2. Bitten. Nature : series. Wolves , drama , and love in one movie with like 3 series out. It is very interesting and fun to watch mostly in you love discovering stuff.
  3. Black.ish. Nature : series. Who doesn’t love a good family comedy? This series is super lit and funny and awesome sauce can’t wait for grownish to premiere next year .
  4. Big little lies. Drama, drama and motherhood it’s starts off in a slow pace but when it reaches around episode 4 things start getting super interesting and fishy. I would recommend it cause it will keep you up all night.
  5. Stalkers. Nature : series. If you love investigative movies here’s the thing for you dearie , get to know all the stalkers personalities and how to out crazy them. Get to watch it coz its super lit.

🎉🎉Happy 2 blogversary 🎉🎉

Hey lovelies,

We are finally 2 years old and super happy and delighted to have come this far. Today I will be sharing with y’all my Top five WordPress blogging hacks,

  1. Get the app. This will enable you to get more notifications ever time on your phone . It’s super helpful and also allows you to post and communicate with your readers when you don’t have your laptop .
  2. Know your high time. This will take time but get to know when most people are able to view and like your blog post this will help you get more traffic.
  3. Persistence is key. Everything worth while takes time publish every twice or once a week. Keep moving on.
  4. Do you and do what you love don’t try and copy anyone it’s the internet and it’s your chance to share your passions so do you and it will make you happy. Don’t do it for fame, do it for your own satisfaction.

Have a lovely day ahead ,

Lots of love 😍 .