5 tips to maintain a healthy hydrated skin

Hey lovelies ,

The skin is the largest body organ in the human covering every inch of our bodies , everyday new routines come up new serums are discovered and new makeup trends keep us looking really great . Below that layer of make-up, oils and even dust and polluted air is a vulnerable epidermis layer that consumes all that you apply on it.
I have an oily skin this means I constantly have to deal with acne breakouts and be very careful on what products I apply on my skin, having realized the I tried my best to get the most natural based products for my skin .Most people think that just because you have an oily skin you don’t need added hydration but hydration refers to having more water molecules in your skin since the skin is made up of cells , this the results to a healthy looking and glowing plump skin .

A hydrated skin is healthy looking and has an added glow here are my few tips on how I maintain a hydrated skin without breaking the bank;


Water really helps you skin cells to be more nourished and helps get rid of waste products in your skin. This mostly helps in clearing acne and black head since your skin can be able to work through the process of waste removal faster and also renew its layers more faster. Water also makes your skin look more plump because it increases blood flow on the surface of your skin therefore giving it that natural glow.


Aloe Vera is a natural moisturizer be it for your skin or scalp, it’s one of the oldest skin care ingredient in most clearing and cleansing skin products. It’s also very great since it has antibacterial properties hence helps your skin to get rid of a lot of germs and be very clean and clear. Retaining water molecules in your skin is very essential to have a hydrated skin and aloe works wonders when it comes to moisturizing and hydrating.


Avoid excessively hot water on your face.
It’s the cold season here in Kenya and I know this point might rub you the wrong way like does she want me to get flu? But try washing your face with warm water instead of excessively hot water. Hot water strips your skin of the essential oil produced by skin to help keep it moisturized and hydrated so be kind to your skin and choose warm water to help it become more hydrated and healthy.


Exfoliate your skin at least twice a month to help shed off the dead skin and allow a new layer of skin to flourish and accept more good products easily. Exfoliating also helps your skin to be more fresh and bright making you look really beautiful. Don’t over exfoliate since you will then strip your skin of oils and hence making it dry and sore. Also use exfoliating products that are friendly and more natural .

Have a lovely day

Let’s connect more


How to become a morning person .

Hey lovelies,

How’s y’all doing? This week at been kinda lazy but am finally back with some amazing content. I used to wake up really late and I hated morning routine but until I was able to find my morning motivation it has never been the same again. For today’s post I will be sharing what I do in the morning to make sure I wake up early enough and get every work done on time.

  • Get your motivation

Find out the one thing that can make you wake up in the morning for me it’s my morning playlist, Kiss 100 breakfast show and my sticky note goals just above my bed.

  • If your all about fashion try pairing some super cool pieces the night before. This idea at times seems way off but knowing that you look good in a certain dress or jeans may just be what you need to wake up, bath and dress up.
  • Have an agenda for the day.

Knowing that you have some incomplete business helps you to work harder to just get out of that bed and try to finish it up.

  • Play a motivational podcast in the morning.

Listening to some motivational speech will wake you and make you go hustle / school . The thing with motivational podcast is that they act as an eye opener and thus drive us to become better humans.

  • Make prayer your first item.

Just saying simple prayer like thank you God for today may just help you wake up and try fulfilling your purpose in life.

Hope my simple tips really helped you and thanks alot for checking out my blog post today. Your beautiful /handsome ,unique and I appreciate you.

Have a good day ahead,

Lots of love,


how to maintain your straight hair

hey lovelies ,
I totally hope you are having a better day and a less stressful one , its tuesday but it really seems like an extended version of monday ugh…… Today i will be sharing with you tips on how to maintain your straight hair , since its still february and the sun is still scorching super hard on this part of the globe i decided to take a break from my natural hair regimen since my natural hair looses moisture super fast thus making it even harder to maintain.

my tips are super easy :

1 . Oil often
yall know how much i insist on oiling your hair so try and add some oils to your hair every now and thento avoid drynesss thus avoiding hair loss in the process .
2 . comb daily
this will help you loosen all the tangles and let your hair be stronger and stay more straight .
3 . trim on your wash day
trimming your hair is guaranteed to help you reduce tangles and helps in hair growth too .
4 . Understand your hair type
by this i mean get to know more about your hair type and how you can maintain in terms of curl pattern , texture e.tc

hope this few pointers will help you the next time you decide to straighten your hair .Hve a lovely day ahead hoping to hear more from you my email is at alivenstylish@gmail.com