how to maintain your straight hair

hey lovelies ,
I totally hope you are having a better day and a less stressful one , its tuesday but it really seems like an extended version of monday ugh…… Today i will be sharing with you tips on how to maintain your straight hair , since its still february and the sun is still scorching super hard on this part of the globe i decided to take a break from my natural hair regimen since my natural hair looses moisture super fast thus making it even harder to maintain.

my tips are super easy :

1 . Oil often
yall know how much i insist on oiling your hair so try and add some oils to your hair every now and thento avoid drynesss thus avoiding hair loss in the process .
2 . comb daily
this will help you loosen all the tangles and let your hair be stronger and stay more straight .
3 . trim on your wash day
trimming your hair is guaranteed to help you reduce tangles and helps in hair growth too .
4 . Understand your hair type
by this i mean get to know more about your hair type and how you can maintain in terms of curl pattern , texture

hope this few pointers will help you the next time you decide to straighten your hair .Hve a lovely day ahead hoping to hear more from you my email is at